Ministry Itinerary
Weekly Schedule



The family unit (i.e., father, mother & children) is the building block of our society and culture, and the Christian family is the very foundation of that building. However, the entire family structure of our society is under great assault, and the Christian family in particular is being singled out as public enemy number one by the secular humanism that is permeating our society. All of this antagonism and opposition to the family in general, and the Christian family in particular is being orchestrated by the "god of this world," Satan, through men and women whose hearts and minds are hardened by his lies and deceit. Thus, this is all the more reason why we as Christians need to "focus on the family," and our own family in particular. We can only be successful in doing this by utterly relying and depending on God’s grace and power so that our families will be blessed by God’s covenant promises and our nation will in turn be delivered and established in His strength and might. Therefore, this seminar is focused on helping to strengthen Christian marriages in particular, and in turn, becoming "salt and light" in a decaying and darkened world.

Janie and I have been married over thirty-three years, and in the midst of our human failures and mistakes, chiefly mine I might add, He has taught us by His grace and truth how to walk with Him individually, as a couple and with our children. We are very real people who have encountered the very real problems and issues that marriages are confronting today. However, those things that God has made real in our lives that have brought and are still bringing healing and wholeness to our family go to the very core of our being. Many of these changes are quite deep, and at times, quite painful, but gloriously liberating in the end and produce the "peaceful fruit" of His life and righteousness within us (Hebrews 12:11). And that is what our life in Christ is all about, that we be "conformed to the image of His Son" (Romans 8:29). In addition, we have the glorious promise that "that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). We want to be used of the Lord that He might bring real change, real brokenness and repentance where needed and real encouragement to couples that our sins and failures in our marriage can be and are forgiven in Christ, and we can begin anew in Him! In addition, we want to show that through Christ, as a married couple, we can now walk in the "newness" of His life within us and experience "the new creation" He has made us to be in Himself. We also want to make it abundantly clear that as married believers we are all in the process of "being transformed into the same image from glory to glory (II Corinthians 3:18), and that "image" is Christ! Thus, it is an ongoing change as a "new creature" in Christ, and indeed, "new things have come" (II Corinthians 5:17). Those "new things" in Christ in our marriages are the things that we can’t even imagine how wonderful they are until we realize that it "it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).

If couples have been married for a number of years, or if they are newly married, the things we will be touching on in this seminar will be applicable for both. The foundational principles are applicable for both, and especially for newly married couples, that they might be enabled to avoid the pitfalls that are lurking in unsuspected places.
The following are the topics we will be presenting:

1. Our Personal Foundation in Christ
2. Old Baggage & a New Trip
3. Communication, Openness & Self-reflection
4. The Cornerstone of Forgiveness
5. Personal & Family Life
6. Child Rearing
7. Compromises, Consequences & Redemption

This is also a ten-hour seminar, and for this particular seminar, it is best that it be conducted over a weekend, versus over a prolonged period of time, such as a five or ten week span, meeting one night a week. However, we could do the latter, but for this particular subject, continuity is very important, and thus, the weekend setting would be the optimum. Whatever is best for you, if you feel the direction we are going in is appropriate for your flock, we would be honored to serve you.

Janie and I would be honored to serve you in any way we can. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and may the Lord continue to bless you in every way. Thanks for your consideration of and prayers for us.

Sincerely in Christ,
Justin T. Alfred

Contact Information

Address: Justin T. Alfred, 39778 Daphne Dr., Murrieta, CA 92563-6538
Phone: (800) 219-2390
Cell: (951) 834-4814
Fax: (951) 696-7140

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